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ark:/12148/btv1b100830346 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A description of Vedic rituals and sacrifices as preserved by the Āśvalāyana śākhā.
ark:/12148/btv1b10083024s Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A text on Vedic ritual practices.
ark:/12148/btv1b10082529k Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
Buddhist stories illustrating the workings of karma across lives.
ark:/12148/btv1b10083168m Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
The 14th adhyāya of the text on the etymology of Sanskrit words in the Vedas.
ark:/12148/btv1b10083031v Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A text on sacrifice, part of the Śatapathabrāhmaṇa.
ark:/12148/btv1b10083200x Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
This discusses the duties of priests in Vedic rituals and sacrifices, with special reference to the soma sacrifice (Kauthuma recension of the Sāmaveda).
Saṃpuṭodbhava tantra.
ark:/12148/btv1b100823234 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A Buddhist text that disucsses nirvāṇa, vajragarbhasādhu and bodhisattva sādhu.
ark:/12148/btv1b10082948g Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Newari
A collection of 100 Buddhist stories relating the deeds of previous lives to present experience.
ark:/12148/btv1b100828142 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
The second adhyāya of the text, accompanied by commentary. The Bhagavatapurāṇa celebrates Krishna.
Gṛhyasūtra of Gobhila.
ark:/12148/btv1b10083184n Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A manual on domestic religious ceremonies performed by male and female householders over the fire.
ark:/12148/btv1b100824813 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A collection of stories about Bodhisattvas showing how deeds of previous lives bear fruit in the present.
ark:/12148/btv1b10082293n Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Newari
A Mahayana Buddhist sutra, said to have been preached by the Buddha in Lanka, first to the serpent king, and then, at the invitation of Rāvana, to an assembly of monks and bodhisattvas. This is one of the nine sacred books of Nepalese Buddhists in 10 chapters and 36,000 verses (NCC).