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Bodhapañcadaśikā , Mahārthamañjarī, Smṛtitattvānusmaraṇa
ark:/12148/btv1b100826935 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Śāradā
A composite manuscript, its second text is an important work of Kashmir Saivism from the 13th century.
Ādityahṛdaya; Gaṅgālaharī; Gītagovinda, Gṛhyaprakaraṇa; Grahaṇanirṇaya; Grahārāmakutūhala,Candrārkī, Janmapatra; Janmapatrī; Tājikaabhūṣaṇa, Prayoga; Bṛhajjātaka;
ark:/12148/btv1b10082690t Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A composite manuscript, with Vedic, Kāvya, Jyotiṣa and Śiva stotra texts.
Mahābhārata Karṇaparva
ark:/12148/btv1b100831262 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Bangla
The eighth of 18 parvas, this describes the appointment of Karṇa as the third commander-in-chief of the Kaurava alliance and how he is killed in conbat with Arjuna. It includes a passage by Aśvatthāmā on the motive of human action.
Mahābhārata Ādiparva
ark:/12148/btv1b100832072 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Bangla
The first of 18 parvas, it describes how the epic came to be recited by Ugrasrava Sauti to the assembled rishis at the Naimisha forest after its first recital by Vaishampayana at the sarpasatra of Janamejaya in Taxila.
Mahābhārata Śāntiparva
ark:/12148/btv1b10083123q Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Bangla
This is the 12th of 18 parvas. Traditionally it has three subparvas: Rājadharma, Apaddharma-anusasana and Mokṣadharma, but this manuscript includes Dānadharma. The text describes kingly duties and conduct through which one may attain moksha (release).
Mahābhārata Śāntiparva
ark:/12148/btv1b100831228 Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Bangla
A continuation of MS No. ark:/12148/btv1b10083123q on the 12th parva of the Mahābhārata.
Mahābhārata Virāṭaparvan.
ark:/12148/btv1b10083186j Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Bangla
The fourth of 18 parvas, it describes the Pandavas’ 13th year of exile which they must spend incognito or face another 12 years’ exile in the forest. They assume the identity of servitors at the court of Virata.
ark:/12148/btv1b10083947c Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Granta
An important text of the Svetambara Jain tradition in western India, this is a treatise on the ‘ratna-traya’ (three jewels): right belief, right knowledge and right conduct. It is written in Sanskrit, with an auto-commentary, Svopajnavrtti.
ark:/12148/btv1b10084030r Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Nāgara
A texts on the rules applying to suffixes (taddhita) in Sanskrit, which include verbal and nominal endings, and the suffixes that turn verb roots into verb stems.
ark:/12148/btv1b53148158h Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
This is Puñjarāja’s commentary on Sàrasvata Prakriya, a vyakarana (grammar) text authored by Anubhūti Svarūpācārya (c. 1250 and 1450) that draws on both the Paninian and Kātantra tradition.
ark:/12148/btv1b10082575v Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Devanagari
A commentary on Saṅkṣiptasāra, a grammar text authored by Kramadīśvara, The first page of the manuscript has Caṇḍīdeva Śarman's commentary.
ark:/12148/btv1b10082559t Language : Sanskrit Scripts : Bangla
Authored by Rāmakṛṣṇa Bhaṭṭa this has two sections. The first, ‘rasakāṇḍa’, describes alchemical processes, the second ‘prayogakāṇḍa’, the deployment of inorganic compounds in diseases. The author wrote an auto-commentary, Vaidyaratnākara.